its been a while.

throughout this whole photography journey, i’ve had to learn so much on the fly and add new things to my skillset that sometimes i’ve felt that i’ve overlooked exactly why it is why i do what i do.

when you’re shooting photography, its so easy to look at examples of what type of person or professional you can be, that it gets easy to forget why you started in the first place.

videography, drone, nature, macro, urban, underwater, portraits, weddings.. the list goes on and on.

i think at one point or another in the past year or so that i’ve been doing this i’ve been given the opportunity to work on almost every one of these and more. im so grateful.

but now i think it’s time for me to hone down on the why again, and it all starts with feeling.


welcome to my website, lets explore this space we create together.


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©DevKnight Studios, LLC 2019